Trunk or Treat 2023
When: Friday, October 27th from 6-8pm
(Rain date - Nov 3rd)
Where: GES back parking lot and soccer fields
(Entrance for the event will be by the playgrounds)
There will be a PRESALE for this event!
OCTOBER 9th - 11am-2pm during family conferences at GES
OCTOBER 13th at Family Outdoor Movie Night
Admission is $10 per family up to 6 people
$5 per person thereafter
PLEASE NOTE THAT STUDENTS CANNOT BE DROPPED OFF. An adult must stay with your Gator!
Trunk Decorator Signups
Be creative picking a family-friendly theme and have a blast decorating your vehicle’s trunk. Prizes awarded for the top 3 decorated trunks.
**All of those decorating trunks must be able to stay for the duration of the event.** Setup begins at 5pm and cleanup begins at 8pm.
If your trunk design requires electricity please come prepared as we will not be able to assist you.
Volunteers Needed!
Check out our gallery from past events!